A Mixed Emotion Update

Good morning ServeHive Community!

Todays update is one of mixed emotions.

Over the last two weeks we at ServeHive have had many conversations and meetings with organizations that are in place to solely serve their communities needs. Based on these meetings and interactions we have new information that has caused some mixed emotion.

First the sad news.

While engaging with and getting to know the needs even deeper we have been deeply affected by the immense scope of the needs in our communities. It is greater than we ever knew. So many individuals and families are in such desperate situations and in need of a helping hand.

Also we have been amazed how how large the volunteer and giving community is but the feedback continues that there is an information gap on awareness of where their desire to serve could be utilized.

And now the good news.

We have not yet met with a single organization that couldn’t use some help in building community and connecting with those who wish to serve! It’s sad there are so many needs but yet very exciting that our ServeHive community has the opportunity to be part of the solution!

We will continue to engage with our community and we strategize and build and look forward to connecting with you more. We may be talking to our local organization but this is a worldwide opportunity. Please send us the names or contact info for the organizations in your area that you are passionate about so we can cnnect with them as well and see how we can best serve them.

Have a tremendous day and Serve well!