ServeHive Update - May 22nd, 2019

We can see clearly now!!

We at ServeHive have been riding the wave of excitement as we meet with some really smart people in the non-profit and tech world. Our vision weekly as been fine tuned and sometime even adjusted as need be to reach our ultimate goal of connecting the needs of our communities with those volunteers who would love to serve.

I continue to be excited to see the life transformation millions or people will go thru as they step out and serve as needs in the communities finally become easily found. Everyone is searching for something…my dream is as they serve others, part of what they are looking for will be found.

Freedom - CoFounder

We have been fortunate enough to find a tremendously innovative and talented company to work with as we begin the official building process. It’s taken a lot of back and forth and soul searching to dial in on what will make the volunteer experience as easy and straight forward as possible while providing great tools to the organizations they’ll be teaming up with. We even learned some new terms like “sitemap” and “SOW”. :)

We are hopeful to have a usable platform up and running for beta testing in the next 6-8 weeks!

Our list continues to grow as organizations keep expressing their desire for a platform to help them serve their communities. This is so exciting to see others not catching our vision but rather already have the vision but never had a solution!

As we get closer we will be looking for organizations and volunteers to be our “beta testers”. If you would love to be part of this test phase send us an email or sign up and we will reach out when it’s time.

Also we will be starting to engage in conversations with individuals and business who may be willing to financially partner with us as we run full steam ahead. If this is you we would love to share our dream with you and see if our vision aligns with what you also hope for.

We continue to be thankful and excited about the future and how we can have a positive impact in this world in which we are part of. Looking forward!